Tuesday, October 21, 2014

“No change”

Time flows like the never winding path
And one end brings another beginning;
Many a times the leaves divorce with the branch
On the bushes and hedges and perennials,
Many a times is the nakedness of greenness
Exposed to the daily journey of wind__
Sometimes burning hot current hurt
The virginity of that golden greenness;
Sometimes the frozen chilly wind,
Numbs the beauty of their existence:
And thus tortured poor green creature
Weep but to themselves;
Yet unheard their voices fade.
like all this phenomenon
There flows in me a long unending river
Of sentiments mixed with craze,
And the greenness along the side
Thrives as fresh and beautiful
As they were in gone days.
                                                  With each leap of arm on the watch                     
Takes me but to the same situation old days_
I continue to exist in you!

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