Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Dasain Nostalgia

Once again,like always,the excitement of Dasain creeps into the heart.Perhaps, over the years,the significance of Dasain unlike im the past, has become quite dwindled . At least to me. Nothing like ever,this feeling would be as strong.Nothing like the life that elpased with the constant flow of time,this moment would be felt.
Childhood went by.There were times i wished i grew bigger-physically and mentally.Even if i hadn't wished so,this day would come.This feeling would creep in.
Looking back at time that went by,approaching Dassain brings a lot of memories that have stayed as value adamant to even forget let alone wane.
It was the time of golden looks of rice that Dasain would come with. I still remember as a child asking mum so curious question."When will Dasain come?". " When the panicles of rice appeared",she would answer. curiosity-filled mind would wait for the rice to bear panicles and Dasaain would come brining with its lots of joy. As a child what was more important was the excitement at the thoughts of receiving money from relatives filing the forehead with tikka.( curd-mixed rice).Having received new dresses with the money borrowed from neighbor, promising them with "Khamti rice" or "Masino" variety at the end of the year as the interest,we would sail along the wave of Dasaain. Feasting on the mutton would be another grand time for us. We had all such great gifts of Dasain but never ever looked at Dasain as such a beauftul occasion other than eating and enjoying.
Today, divided by numerous hills and thickets,distanced by thousand miles,I am here once again, existing,welcoming the great occasion of Dasain.But deep down in me, lost are some of the excitements that were part of my childhood.Lost are the grand feeling. Like other mundane days,this year's Dasain is trudging through its hills of time and here i am, looking at it and feeling nothing but nostalgic.
Where are the scenes of neighbor preparing for Dasain?Where are people white- washing their houses?Where are people sharing face-face excitement?I am away from where these things happen.Perhaps away,ahead in time such scenes can be witnessed. Also, unusually different approach of the take of such a great occasion has developed in me.And that is truth, as well.
Dasain, now wouldn't mean Mutton. Dasain now wouldn't mean new costume. Nor would it mean money after tikka.
It would mean greater than such things. It would mean a reason for reunion, after years of separation with loved ones-parents and relatives.It would mean reiterating the waning feelings of bond with relatives and family after years of separation. Dasain, now would mean a time for sons and daughters to travel home,meet parents,receive blessings and then go ahead with the journey of life.It would mean celebrations with family.
By the grace of god,i had the privilege to be with parents last year at this time.That was after around a decade of separation, reuniting with complete set of family members. On the pretext of celebrating Dasain. And the most unforgettable moment of life it was.
This year due to some other prior engagement i can't be home. Mum expresses her feeling of disappointment for not having us home by sharing news of sons and daughters of neighbor going home.I can feel the disappoint she has.And i totally agree to that emotions as well. Festivals are such emotion-striking moments of ones life. I hope someday in future i can make it to home.
For now i wish all by relatives and friends a Happy vijay Dasami on Friday after the great day(Poll day).It shall be Nations Vijay dasami as well.