Saturday, October 25, 2014

A letter to wait

Dear wait
Today is 22nd September and a blessed rainy day eve. When the next sun rise illuminates the world with its golden orb, it will be a historical moment in my life. The date 23rd September will be a day in my life that will mark a start of another new year that I cherish the most.
Perhaps, you are already aware of what I would let you know. Perhaps you are eager to get informed of what I am doing now.Uhmmm….You know what? This moment has come with lots of difficulties for me to have a memory. My class captain Mr Dorji Bum has organized a Picnic for tomorrow to celebrate the Blesses Rainy Day. We 14 of the boys are here tonight for preparing for tomorrow. Our journey from the hostel started at 4 Pm.Now you might wonder as to why we are only 14 in number. My class has 23 boys and 14 girls. Nine of my boy friends denied the offer to participate in the picninc.Perhaps the individual money contribution for the day was too much for them to afford. Perhaps, they had no interest to be with the crowd. They turned down the plea for the programme.Only six girls accepted to come for the picnic. This is quite saddening for us yet that’s not a big issue to spoil our day in general. After all we all are different and so is our plan. Perhaps they already have fixed their plan.

Do u want to know what is happening tonight? Ha-ha…there are so many activities to let you know. Some are funny. Some are serious. Yet they don’t fail to create memories. As soon as we arrived here everybody got involved in their own activities that were allocated already. Pitching tents, hunting for firewood and then shifting luggage. There is a little drizzle hitting upon us thereby bothering us to extent we are not happy. Never before had I known to pitch the tents as I don’t have such experiences of sleeping in the jungle.
Our entire spot for picnic is near Phochu where wide and deep water keeps singing as it flow down never to return. Around and above it are the fluffy white clouds drinking from the bed of the river. It is 7:30 now and everything is invisible except the kindling fire. Few of my friends are busy in making a kitchen while some are busy shifting the luggage inside the tents to prevent from getting wet. I am busy chopping and peeling the vegetables along with some friends under the brightness of bulb that we got it connected from the house nearby. Time flows fast.
 It is now around 9 pm in the evening. Food is ready. There is no work left now for now. I am inside the tent with a laptop in front of me. Around me is nothing but the darkness and few friends just watching me write.. I am writing this bullshit report to keep you updated.  
Well, my toothache is still severe but I am tolerating it just for the picnic tomorrow. I am writing. “Prem, oye Prem; Come out man!”
“Oh wait, wait guys; I am coming now”. Dear wait, I am out for now will update you with the news okay? I am out for some task undone.
Oh yes dea.I am back. It is now 11:30.You know? Within these two hours, there are lots of moments attributed to my life worth cherishing memories. Nothing but memories have they become. Two hours was but a very brief a time. “Truth and dare” and lots of singers entertained my moments. The friends uttered out there life most secret thing under the influence of simple liquid. All talked in the tone that was really touching. The talk was very private made public under the intoxication. Some had their sad part of story while some had awesome stories to tell.  Every now and then, these guys danced as they stood up for emptying their bladder. Their liquid waste water also added up to the increase level of water.Lol.Inspite of drizzle hitting our head and wetting our body, we took our dinner. I took three plates. Soon I was not able to have balance and came inside the tent to inform you that I did enjoy. With all these memories left for now, I want to sleep. They are now pillow and a blanket to keep warm in winter and a thin cloth to keep me cool in summer. When 2015 comes with blessed Rainy Day I will open the closed bottle of memories to smell once again. I have to wake early tomorrow or else, Sangay Tshering will kill. He has already warned us to wake up early.

Unending expectation"

Underneath the blue hue of enchanting sky,
Strew is the mat of dirty dark nimbus,
The eyes of heaven are obstructed on their way;
Yet below an unjust soul stares up,
Hopes in his heart,
Painted are his prayers in tears;
Prostrating at his own level of expectation,
Waits but for ever for the rays
To enter his world yet,
His wait seems forever.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

“No change”

Time flows like the never winding path
And one end brings another beginning;
Many a times the leaves divorce with the branch
On the bushes and hedges and perennials,
Many a times is the nakedness of greenness
Exposed to the daily journey of wind__
Sometimes burning hot current hurt
The virginity of that golden greenness;
Sometimes the frozen chilly wind,
Numbs the beauty of their existence:
And thus tortured poor green creature
Weep but to themselves;
Yet unheard their voices fade.
like all this phenomenon
There flows in me a long unending river
Of sentiments mixed with craze,
And the greenness along the side
Thrives as fresh and beautiful
As they were in gone days.
                                                  With each leap of arm on the watch                     
Takes me but to the same situation old days_
I continue to exist in you!

Ode to Vacation

Oh vacation: Dear vacation!
Vacation: Oh, vacation!
Thou art so short for this heart;
For I haven’t obtained enough
Of its enchanting part.
I am cursed with your dirty dart,
Thy pseudo design and art,
Gave me pleasure and took my treasure,
Of mind; Thou art a good cheat,
And to undesired path thy lead
These feelings at unscheduled speed.
Awaited this craze and innocent heart beat,
Untrained though, was my feat,
Yet prepared for thy arrival I waited
Impatiently; Thou camest and blessed
Me with unknown bliss but pain eased.
Driy as forest, college life was;
Pain killing me at huge doze,
Patient absent, time seemed paused,
Yet separate chamber in my beats,
Planned for unusual deeds,
For pleasing thee; dear vacation.
Gone are thy beauties,
Undone are my duties,
Schedule crying loud in the
Distance of time:
Though this instinct smart and proud,
For at least thy half span in me
Could Remain:
Yet half were out of my domain.

Dear vacation, oh vacation!
I owe thee, my gratitude’s pension,
For letting rise the suns
Visible from my dear home,
Now thou art going,
Next time, please come!
Please come, I‘ll wait, do come!
Prem K.Bhattarai

Yet I await, love and die in you!

Uncountable nights and hurrying days passed,
The buds on the pedicel greened, reddened
Then grayed to perish,
The tender green leaves danced, sang
Then tired to sleep on the bed of mud.
The timeless changing weather
Patterned in colour, woven in design,
Appeared, disappeared and then forever- gone!
Minutes into hours, hours into day,
Then day into months and years turned

                                             And changed the setting of this world-
                                            The very world that have me in its womb,
                                                 Nurturing, carrying and maturing my immaturity;
                                                      Keeping me in impatient wait to get delivered.
                                                         Long have these phenomenon occurred,
                                                     And long has it enticed me;
                                               Yet wait has never ended;
                                                          Change has never happened,
                                                 And could not I grow ever!
                                                           My life has ever been the same,
                                                  With my stupid mind untamed,
                                          And I await her coming,
                                              Loving to love her being;
                                        Each day burning in the flame of
                                               Feelings; I basked in my stupidity!
                                             And reality of my life has been the same!