Sunday, August 23, 2015

I loved you

 I loved you

I seem to have loved you
Year after year;
In times incalculable;
In numberless forms
And numberless ways;
In immeasurable measure of unit
I seem to have lost myself
In your thoughts-
Night and days,
Morning and evening
Winter and summer
Every time!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

I know why a tethered goat bleats

I know why a tethered goat bleats

Controlled by the length of a rope,
Yet greenery for a better meal in its hope,
It reaches in vain to touch it,
And within imagination it salivates
And then suffocates in reality-
Suffocates with desires of a good meal
Suffocates with a struggle
And with the vanity of its efforts.

As starvation strike it like the lightening,
It bleats;
As thirst parches its throat
It bleats;
As scorching sun lashes it with cruel rays
It bleats;
As the dampening shower fall upon its body
It bleats;
Indeed, for myriad reasons,
It just bleats.
Happiness or sadness
Pain or pleasure
Hot or cold,
Those  don’t matter
For it just bleats!
Concealed in its dumbness
Blossoming are the flowers of a reason
Within the audibility of its voice;
There is a speech it conveys;
There is a talk it talks
But who cares?
Bleating is just a bleating
And it is the stupidity of a goat
But I know why it bleats!
It bleats to embrace the greenery
That its sight touches;
It bleats for all reason
And among all,
It bleats to herd the owner that tethers,
It bleats to remove the reins of rope
And walk
And graze as it wishes.

My identity

In me if you look with your eyes,
Nothing can you see,
Nothing can you find;
Stained in black dye of skin,
With bulging eye balls,
Dark growing beards and
Non- uniform tufts of moustache,
Pointed tip of nose,
With fading hair from the forehead,
And stammering speech
I fit into the description of any observer.
Yet if you listen to me and
My speech
You shall fathom me well;
I am that soul, which exists with hurry,
With a dream at heart
And a conscience that rules.
Sometimes I become like a aggressive dog
Like growling at a found bone;
Or if you observe carefully,
I become like an enlightened saint
With a kindness at heart!
Well…I have both the extremities
Yet I am not only what you see,
I am many more within.

My thought

As crepuscular light falls on the thickets,
After the dominating rays of sun,
There is a crescendo heard within me
Lamenting the departure of the day;
And when stars and moon dance in the sky
Emerging from the heart of dusk,
I sense a parting of someone
 Bosom friend
Or rather like a soul that was attached
To me for yonks.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Random thoughts

In my dreams
In my little thought,
I seem sleeping on a never realizing future;
On a strewn carpet of waiting days
I stretch my legs and spread my hands
And rest my heart on the beats-
Beats that screen the design of my future,
Beats that take me into imagination
Like a galloping horse on a rough path.
But with each sun rise and sun set,
And each new day I seem closer,
Closer to the real world I desire for.

Paradoxical neighborhood; a situation of a city

Beneath a common edifice they dwell,
Of a shared roof
Of a Shared staircase,
Of a shared foundation
 That pillars sprout from
To stand and hold the entire dwelling
There are the tenants residing for ages
At proximity of each other,
Yet strange they are to each other
 Cocooning Inside their own little world
With unshared words
And “who -cares -who –he- is attitude
Whereupon loneliness buzzing in
Amidst a crowd,
Amidst a good companion!
Heard are their voices,
Like a music playing from a stereotype
Every day
Yet like a beautiful song by an anonymous,
They know not whose vocal cord
Hums that beautiful song
Or like a deaf oldie
They go unheard
To each other

Monday, August 10, 2015

Your abstract existence

Mired feet of my mind into your thoughts
I remain screaming within
Never to be heard by anyone;
Swallowed are my voices
By the emptiness of your presence.
Like a hollowed trunk of a tree,
My being exists but like a living log
On a standing tree with withering roots.
When crepuscular light radiates from
Sunless sky, I look for you
Into the horizon
Into the fading light of the sky
Into the depth of my thoughts.
I know there is no you in me now,
Like there is no me in you
Or rather we don’t exist in each other,
Like we never have been parts;
Yet I am stuck in your thoughts
Into the deep hollowness of my sentiments
Into unforgettable memories of my life.
Towards dawn you lead me
Through my sleepless night
Through rugged journey of imagination,
And when I want to touch you
Like fading dew,
 You fade into thoughts again
And Like a sticky clay
Mired are my feet of thoughts in yours.