Saturday, August 22, 2015

I know why a tethered goat bleats

I know why a tethered goat bleats

Controlled by the length of a rope,
Yet greenery for a better meal in its hope,
It reaches in vain to touch it,
And within imagination it salivates
And then suffocates in reality-
Suffocates with desires of a good meal
Suffocates with a struggle
And with the vanity of its efforts.

As starvation strike it like the lightening,
It bleats;
As thirst parches its throat
It bleats;
As scorching sun lashes it with cruel rays
It bleats;
As the dampening shower fall upon its body
It bleats;
Indeed, for myriad reasons,
It just bleats.
Happiness or sadness
Pain or pleasure
Hot or cold,
Those  don’t matter
For it just bleats!
Concealed in its dumbness
Blossoming are the flowers of a reason
Within the audibility of its voice;
There is a speech it conveys;
There is a talk it talks
But who cares?
Bleating is just a bleating
And it is the stupidity of a goat
But I know why it bleats!
It bleats to embrace the greenery
That its sight touches;
It bleats for all reason
And among all,
It bleats to herd the owner that tethers,
It bleats to remove the reins of rope
And walk
And graze as it wishes.

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