Dassain__an occasion to remember family and parents
The annual festival which the Hindu celebrates all
over the world with grand celebration has an important significance. Dassain,
not only is a time of celebration but also a time of family reunion— siblings
who have been far away from each other; sons and daughters who are hills apart from their parents; grandsons and grand daughters
who have not met with their grandma and grandpa__ this is the time,
distance is nullified!
Dassain is an auspicious occasion, when the crack in
family relationship is joined; it is the time when distance of time and space
is once again made to disappear. Dassain is the time when you know how lucky
you are to have family and parents. “Call
it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, and call it a family. Whatever
you call it, whoever you are, you need one”, writes Jane Howard.
Often times, we forget that we owe a lot to our
family, being lost in some other materialistic world. There happens to be no
time we want to think we belong to a beautiful family where our childhood is
rooted. Desmond Tutu says, “You don’t
choose your family. They are God’s
gift to you, as you are to them”. We don’t have time for the members of
family we have been grown up with. Other times, we are so busy treading our own
journey; we are so focused in sewing our own dreams and seeking our own
livelihood, yet Dassain is a time we keep aside these selfish motives. Albert
Einstein says, “Rejoice with your family
in the beautiful land of life!” Our life is a land where the seed of
happiness is already existent and unless we dedicate ourselves in nurturing it,
we can never have it sprout. Dassain is the time we can rejoice with family.
In the work of Paul Pearshell, it says, “Our most basic instinct is not for survival
but for family. Most of us would give
our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life
too often as if we take our family for granted. Therefore, Dassain is the
time we get to know that, after all we need our family. “Having a place to go —
is a home. Having someone to love — is a family. Having both — is a blessing,
supplements Donna Hedges.
For those of us who are away from a native land, Dassain
is the time we get to step once again on it and feel blessed. Our home and family
are not just something we must have possessed; they are the ones our entire
life moves with. What Thomas Jefferson states substantiate further by saying. “The happiest moments of my life have been
the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family”. Gail Lumet
Buckley also says “Family faces are magic
mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and
future. Dassain remind us about the reality of life.
For those of us who been away from parents, Dassain
is the time we understand again how great parents have been in our lives. “My heroes are and were my parents. I can’t
see having anyone else as my heroes” says
Michael Jordan. Yes, the people who keep saving us from unseen,
unheard and unprecedented disasters are parents. Chuck Palahniuk
writes “First your parents, they give you
your life, but then they try to give you their life”.
They keep sacrificing for us, yet we

this Dassain, open up the eyes of many people who have been blind towards their
family and parents presence. May a sentimental blossom bloom at the heart of
those broken families. May the broken thread of relationship tie reuniting
knots of love and forgiveness. HAPPY DASSAIN TO ALL!
Acknowledgement:Both images are extracted from internet.
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