Saturday, June 27, 2015

The mismatch in our dreams

The mismatch in our dreams
Many of us, who we are today, are not the realization of what we have dreamt ourselves of. By defaults things just happen and we just become ready to get adjusted to it. At times it is like, closing the eyes and pointing at the place on the map randomly and claiming it was that we pointed at. Or rather like playing a game with “Inky minky ponky, father is a donkey” technique and whoever would be counted as doom would be the one who would serve as wished by the players in the team. Perhaps, what we have achieved must not be what our goals were. Perhaps what we have now must not be what we desired for. Somehow things happen in life. There are some things that, no matter how much we want to get it, we never get. There are, also things that we have never heard of but land up getting them easily.
Due to this, “the randomness of phenomenon”, our act and what others expect us of, do not match.
There have been great doctors, with vast knowledge but they have no patience. They deal harshly with the patients and land up getting bad feedbacks from them. The one who qualifies for medicines doesn’t necessary mean that it was their dream to b a doctor. Just because they obtained high marks in the some subjects, they are selected as medical students. Their desires and dispositions do not match with the employment they are taking up. This is the reason why many doctors in the world do not deserve to be it by their manners and attitudes towards their patients.
Even there are teachers, who land up being one, just because they had no option but to go for teacher training. A teacher needs patience in dealing with the students. Just knowing how much two plus two or “A-p-p-l-e is apple” doesn’t make him or her, a teacher. A teacher needs to know how to inspire and encourage others. Frightening the students with sticks or marks-sometimes saying if a student doesn’t do this, his/her mark will be deducted or if he/she argues with teacher, he/she will be expelled. A teacher is someone who can make a student feel guilty of a mistake but not make him feel violent.
Similarly there are many other professions that recruit wrong people. Just having a big head won’t bring success. There needs an interest in doing what we do.

Since my childhood, I always wanted to become a doctor. Even in the school, when the teachers asked us to introduce about ourselves they would scold us if we said we don’t have any ambitions. I used to proudly say that I wanted to become a doctor. Unfortunately, my dreams were shattered .Profession of doctor was beyond my imagination. I landed up taking sustainable development course. It was not my choice but was a chance when I failed to get what I wanted. Had I not chosen for this, I would not have made it for other courses. Today as I graduate with a good mark, I wonder what my interests are. I know I am not at all interested in what I have studied so far. I don’t know if I had a dream once but now I have lost trust in hopes and dreams. I don’t know what I like but I know that I don’t like what I have studied. I am poor in environment conservation, poor in public policy or crop production. In the search of identity, I lost myself. If I am placed as an environment conservationist as per my course, I am sure I will not make a good conservationist. I am lost within me. I am also like what many people are in this world.

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