Sunday, June 14, 2015

"I will serve my country"-another hypocrisy

Often times we hear some people say,"i want to serve my country". Do they really mean it?Perhaps they are misguided by their thoughts.The people who say they will serve the tsa -wa -sum are the real parasite who feed greedily upon the government money.They claim for TA/DA and high salary.If they are to serve the country,why don't they just let their fake TA/DA go as money to the poor?Can they forgo it?Never!And still you think they are patriotic?Infact those who say this statement want to get a Bigger job and thus land us having country serve them.
The ones who really serve are the people in the lower position-Road worker,sweeper,technicians and caretaker.They don't get much salary yet survive the way big people do.They stand where those people who claim for TA/DA do.They have children and wives like the people in the position do.

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